Saturday 5 March 2016

Indira Gandhi National Open University

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (Hindi: इंदिरा गाँधी राष्ट्रीय मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय), known as IGNOU, is a separation learning national college situated in IGNOU street, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India. Named after previous Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi, the college was built up in 1985 with a financial plan of ₹20 Million, when the Parliament of India passed the Indira Gandhi National Open University Act, 1985 (IGNOU Act 1985).[2] IGNOU is controlled by the focal legislature of India.[3]

IGNOU, the biggest college on the planet with more than 4 million students,[1] was established to bestow instruction by method for separation and open instruction, give advanced education opportunities especially to the hindered portions of society, support, facilitate and set benchmarks for separation and open instruction in India and reinforce the HR of India through education.[4] Apart from educating and research, augmentation and preparing structure the backbone of its scholarly exercises. It additionally goes about as a national asset focus, and serves to advance and keep up principles of separation training in India.[5] IGNOU has the Secretariats of the SAARC Consortium on Open and Distance Learning (SACODiL) and the Global Mega Universities Network (GMUNET) at first bolstered by UNESCO.

IGNOU has begun a decentralization process by setting up five zones, viz, north, south, east, west and north east. The first of the territorial home office, taking into account four southern states, Pondicherry, Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep, is being set up in the edges of Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala.[citation needed]. The Ministry of HRD has endowed the obligation of creating Draft Policy on Open and Distance Learning and Online Courses to IGNOU.

In 1970 the Ministry of instruction and Social Welfare in a joint effort with the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the UGC and the Indian National Commission for collaboration with UNESCO, sorted out a workshop on 'Open University'. The workshop prescribed the foundation of an open college in India on a test premise. The legislature of India delegated an eight-part working gathering on open college in 1974. The main part was given to G. Parthasarathi, the then Vice-Chancellor of the Jawaharlal Nehru University.

The working gathering suggested building up an open college by a demonstration of parliament as ahead of schedule as could reasonably be expected. The college ought to have ward over the whole nation so that, when it is completely built up, any understudy even in the remotest corner of the nation can have admittance to its direction and degrees (Working Group Report, 1974).

The working gathering proposed a few measures to be followed in instructional and administration procedures of the open college which include: affirmation methodology, age unwinding, arrangement of perusing materials, setting up of center gathering researchers in various fields, setting up of study focuses, vehicle of curricular projects, live contact with instructors, et cetera. On the premise of the proposals of the working gathering, the Union Government arranged a draft bill for the foundation of a National Open University, yet because of a few reasons the advancement was deferred.
In 1985, the Union Government put forth an arrangement expression for foundation of a national open college. A Committee was constituted by the Ministry of Education to chalk out the arrangement of activity of the national Open University. On the premise of the report of the Committee, the Union Government presented a Bill in the Parliament. In August 1985, both the Houses of the Parliament passed the Bill. In this manner, the National Open University appeared on 20 September 1985. It was named after late head administrator Indira Gandhi. The Indira Gandhi National Open University (set up by the Act of Parliament) is in charge of presenting and advancing separation training at the college level, and for organizing, deciding and keeping up guidelines in such frameworks working in the nation.

In 1989, the principal Convocation was held and more than 1,000 understudies graduated and were recompensed their confirmations. IGNOU sound video courses were first show by radio and TV in 1990 and IGNOU honored degrees got full acknowledgment by the University Grants Commission in 1992 as being identical to those of different colleges in the country.[8]

In 1999, IGNOU dispatched the main virtual grounds in India,[9] starting with the conveyance of Computer and Information Sciences courses by means of the Internet.

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