Tuesday 1 March 2016

University of Asia Pacific

College of Asia Pacific (UAP) was set up in 1996 as a private college under the Private University Act 1992, with a dream to improve the open doors for advanced education in Bangladesh. Its educational modules has been endorsed by The University Grants Commission of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. The college began its operation, i.e. the main semester of classes in 1996, and offered four-year four year college education programs in Computer Science and Technology and Business Administration as it were. Presently UAP offers undergrad programs in English, Law, Architecture, Business Administration, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering and Pharmacy. 
{ Undergrad Program.}
UAP has been supported by University of Asia Pacific Foundation, a non-benefit, non-business association situated in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The vital point of the Foundation is to advance human and social advancement through, bury alia, enhanced instructive open doors, creative instructive projects significant to the necessities of a rising society and to create aptitudes, know how and attention to the adolescent through suitable institutional means. 
The establishment has been set up by a gathering of famous educationists, industrialists and chairmen who have the same vision and social responsibilities. The University of Asia Pacific is the main task of the establishment went for understanding these respectable objectives.
Unhitched male of Architecture. 

Unhitched male of Business Administration (BBA). 

Four year education in science in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). 

Four year education in science in Civil Engineering (CE). 

Four year education in science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE). 

Four year education in science in Mathematics. 

Unhitched male of Pharmacy (B.Pharm). 

Four year certification in liberal arts in English. 

Single man of Laws (Regular and External). 

The Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) and Computer Science and Engineering program has been authorize by the Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education in Bangladesh (BAETE). This empowers the graduates to be individuals from the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), a profoundly prestigious and the main government-affirmed proficient body for designers. The Civil Engineering program has additionally been endorsed by Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) for seeking after their MSc courses.

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